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Afraid of Goosequills

The Wit & Wisdom of Neil Hummasti

Quill Pen

Publishers' Comments

The following are some examples of various publishing houses’ responses to I See London, I See France...

  • PENGUIN GROUP: “...some charming elements here and I like the premise very much.”
  • G.P.PUTNAM'S SONS: “...charming and pretty hilarious. I've been enamored enough with the pure verve of the writing to keep going despite the outlandishness of the story.”
  • FARRAR, STRAUS & GIROUX: “Hummasti writes well.”
  • THOMAS DUNNE BOOKS: “I was quite torn upon reading the novel, and I got a second read to help me decide. I found it hysterically, laugh-out-loud funny, and I thought the writing was razor-sharp and extremely witty. It reminded me of one of Tom's books, THE PARROT'S THEOREM, and I can really see what you love about it as Neil's writing is so very appealing. It was so well written with such engaging characters.”
  • WILLIAM MORROW: “This is a high-energy story and Mr. Hummasti is a talented author.”
  • BANTAM DELL: “This is a charming and funny story, and Victor is certainly an original protagonist.”
  • SOHO PRESS: “Neil Hummasti is a very talented, clever writer but I would like to see him direct his considerable talent towards writing an adult literary novel.”
  • GROVE/ATLANTIC: “I found the book charming and even quite funny at times.”
  • ALGONQUIN BOOKS: “It's a very well written and amusing novel.”
  • DOUBLEDAY: “Hummasti is a unique talent - both amusing and quirky.”
  • THE LYONS PRESS: “It is just as you described - reminiscent of S.J. Perelman's wonderful books.”
  • RANDOM HOUSE: “I thought this novel was charming and original on some levels, and I appreciated Hummasti's sense of humor and vivid description.”
I See London, I See France...

I See London, I See France...

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  • SIMON AND SCHUSTER: “This is funny and quirky.”
  • DUTTON: “This is a fun, cleverly written novel.”
  • BALLANTINE BOOKS: “This is certainly a lively read.”
  • HARCOURT: “...although it is great fun I think comic novels are very difficult to sell.”
  • PANTHEON BOOKS: “Several of us here have read Neil Hummasti's I See London, I See France... and admired the energy and verve of Hummasti's writing.”
  • VILLARD: “I appreciate the considerable wit and invention on display here.”
  • HYPERION: “I found this to be a well written and entertaining story.”
  • PLUME: “This is a funny and original novel and I enjoyed hearing about Victor Popper's adventures traveling with his family.”
  • CROWN: “I thought that some parts of Hummasti’s narrative, especially those passages that involved wordplay, were hysterical.”
  • CHRONICLE BOOKS: “There are many funny moments and ideas in I See London, I See France... by Neil Hummasti, and he's a talented writer.
  • RUGGEDLAND: “I liked the author's witty narrative voice. The combination of the style of writing, along with the twelve-year-old mentality of the main character made for an interesting and unique read. The problem that I see with this novel, however, is in the marketing. Experience tells me that this clever, witty and sarcastic novel will be a difficult sell.”
  • BROADWAY BOOKS: “This is a comical story about a rollicksome family trip in Europe.”
  • BLOOMSBURY: “This is a funny read—Victor is quite a 12-year-old.”
  • ST. MARTIN'S PRESS: “There is some really witty writing here.”
  • MIRAMAX FILMS: “I can understand your excitement for this novel. The voice is very cute and there are some genuinely funny moments.”