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Afraid of Goosequills*

The Wit & Wisdom of Neil Hummasti

Quill Pen
* “Many wearing rapiers are afraid of goosequills...”
—Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act II, Scene 2
Forty Ways to Square a Circle

Forty Ways to Square a Circle

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Forty Ways to Square a Circle is a Wishing Shelf Book Awards 2019 Finalist!
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I See London, I See France...

I See London, I See France...

$14.95 ($4 Shipping)

Read an Excerpt from I See London, I See France... (PDF Download)

I See London, I See France... is a Wishing Shelf Book Awards 2019 Red Ribbon Winner!
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Read The Wishing Shelf Judges' Comments

Readers' Comments

"I started reading I See London, I See France... and I could not put it down. I had to put it down because I was laughing so hard. It’s like a stand-up comedian: the jokes keep coming, but they are so smart. I was having a blast! The cleverness with the way he put this book together is incredible."

—Carol Newman
(KMUN Radio Host)

"In a writing style that is precise and insightful, Hummasti takes his character on a journey fraught with trials and travails, only to achieve a delicate balance that leaves him in much changed circumstances—but also, finally, becomes validated in terms of his true values."

—Clyde Curley (Author)

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About Neil

In 2011, Astoria resident Neil Hummasti died from cancer. He left behind over half a million words of unpublished writing, perhaps the greatest trove of its kind in Oregon literary history. Svensen Pioneer Press presents phase one of publishing Neil’s writing. Explore this site and learn more about this extraordinary author.

Neil Hummasti, 1978
Neil Hummasti, Molalla, 1978

Learn More About Neil...

More Selected Writings by Neil

Selected Short Stories by Neil Hummasti
(PDF Download)

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